2009年2月21日 星期六

《夏菲米克的時代》God made men equal

實在是很精彩的電影,看畢後心情仍然激動。電影混雜紀錄片片段,而且周遭人物亦相當突出,拍來寫實細緻。而且,我想沒有人會比Gus Van Sant更適合拍此電影,也多得Sean Penn活脫脫地演活了角色。

"I am not a candidate, I am part of a movement. The movement is the candidate."

感受到這一字一語帶來的震撼嗎?此話至今,仍相當受用。正如Henry David Thoreau所說 "Things do not change; we change.",每一個時代我們都需要一個勇於站出來提出改變的人。

在那個時代,Harvey Milk不獨成了同志的發言人,為的更是小眾與弱勢社群:

"All men are created equal. No matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words. "

他的演說他的一生,全都令我想起一生致力廢除黑奴制度的William Wilberforce。他曾經說過"Remember that God made men equal. "對啊,Harvey Milk就像同志界的William Wilberforce,同樣為了人權,不只為了同志,更是為了不公不義而戰,儘管路途崎嶇都繼續向前走。

在這樣的一個年代,需要的其實是一個希望"Without hope, life's not worth living. "

Milk花了幾十年的光景才找到自己人生的出路,他勇敢站出來,所以他本身已象徵了一種精神,一個希望: "You're going to meet the most extraordinary men, the sexiest, brightest, funniest men, and you're going to fall in love with so many of them, and you won't know until the end of your life who your greatest friends were or your greatest love was. "

出櫃不難,要每個人都接受,仍視你為正常人才最難。結果人人都躲在衣櫃裡,有幾人曾因此鬱積而終我不敢想像。告訴我,為什麼同性戀是犯法,為什麼忘年戀是不倫,為什麼愛情有那麼多規條? 如果愛情就不過單純去愛一個人,幹麼他人要管那麼多,幹麼世人非要把他們逼到牆角迫他們承認這是罪孽這是過錯不可?


別人說今日的世界文明多了,但隱藏在各圈子的恐同者歧視者附拾皆是,我只可以說"movement"必須繼續,但願有一天每一個人都明瞭"God made men equal"。

6 則留言:

GreenPrince 提到...

i really loves your comment....

actually been reading your review for so long...

going to watch this movie too... but afraid will be too heavy... you know i am too afraid that i didnt watch CLOSER though i know it is such a nice movie, but i will be so depressed for months...

i've got so many movies on my list... hahahhaa Slumdog... Shopaholic...

匿名 提到...

i....i....i....i want to see this movie toooooooo
wait me back to share =]

Coffee 提到...

Dear GP,

Don't worry, this one is not very heavy, but may give you a lot of reflection...

Have you seen Revoloutionary Road, this one is damn heavy!!

ahh, I also wanna see Shopaholic(I love the book).Yes, there's so many nice movie this month, and HKIFF is coming!!OMG!!

Dear Principal,
GOGOGOGO~I am waiting~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

校長 提到...

just finish the movie tonight, line 1 make me feel dizzy.

I guess he just pretend die at the begining....... = =
anyway quite touching at the end, nearly cry of it hahaha

ps* I dun like Jack, I am from Scott hahaha

Coffee 提到...

Dizzy? I just heard ppl said "Rachel Getting Married" make them very very dizzy...

haha,that's funny~~ and it also nearly make me cry...~

校長 提到...

dizzy coz I was sitting toooo front of the this movie, not the story =P

i do feel Rachel get married is reflecting the different between women n man' love, maybe i think too much ahahah