2009年1月24日 星期六

遲來的回顧: 縱然不坎回首,也感激的2008


又新年,友人說又新一年,09應該會順順利利。我支吾以對,因為08過得太差太遭。從來都不覺得自己運滯,直到08年,我完全明白甚麼了,甚麼谷底黑仔低潮統統都寫在我08的字典內。好,來一個例子: 當你踩到蕉皮滑低在地上,才發現你正趴在泥巴上,而你抬頭一望你的舊愛正望著你。夠經典嗎? 雖然以上情況沒有出現,但其神緒是不滅的,整整一年類似的尷尬不安不忿都出現過了。

就算我平時已經把F word和S word掛在口邊也好,都不夠這一年說得更到更應境。




記得"How I Met your Mother" Lily說過一段對白相當精彩相當受用:

"Okay, yes it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake but there is certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake. Because the only way to really know it's a mistake is to make the mistake, and look back and say “Yep. That was a mistake.” So, really the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake, because then you go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not. And damn it, I have made no mistakes! I have done all of this; my life, my relationship, my career mistake free. Does any of this make sense to you?"


5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

"everything happens for a reason"

that's all i gotta say haha.

let's hope for a better year!

mad dog 提到...

祝你新一年樣樣都好, 心想事成, 開心健康! :)

Coffee 提到...

Dear Anchu..

haha,I just notice you changed other blog. Anyway, thanks a lot, I mean it..

Dear maddog,
Thanks,dear, all my best wishes for you~~

匿名 提到...

same thought here
say goodbye to 2008 and the year of mouse

Ox n 09 will bring us health n luck

Coffee 提到...

haha,YEAH, I believe OX will bring me luck, so I always eat steak now,lol...