2009年4月14日 星期二

"The Wrestler" 尋夢的人都是孤獨

已經有幾久,沒有看到一套令你心酸到不能的電影? 已經有幾久,沒有看到一套真實到令你心痛的電影?


但這一套它說盡了,它把潦倒說盡了。 潦倒應該是這樣,應該是你不能回頭,應該是無限孤獨,就是墮進了一個深淵,永遠永遠地向下跌。

與其說沒有Mickey Rourke 就沒有此片,不如說沒有Mickey Rourke ,這片就沒有了靈魂。 對,Mickey Rourke 本色的演繹,震懾得令人拍爛手掌,一種直敲心靈的感動久久也不散。



"You know, if you live hard and play hard and you burn the candle at both ends, you pay the price for it. You know in this life you can loose everything you love, everything that loves you. Now I don't hear as good as I used to and I forget stuff and I aint as pretty as I used to be but god damn it I'm still standing here and I'm The Ram."



"And now, I'm an old broken down piece of meat... and I'm alone. And I deserve to be alone. I just don't want you to hate me. " by Ram

"I lost the house, the wife, the credibility, the entourage. I lost my soul. I was alone ... I'm sort of OK with it now, but the first time I'm in there, pushing a fucking cart, getting my supper. I used to go to the 24-hour place in gay town, so no one would recognize me. The only thing I could afford was a shrink, so that's where my money went. Three times a week for the first two years. The year after that, twice a week and now I'm down to once a week. I've only missed two appointments in six years." by Mickey Rourke

導演說差不多所有對白,Mickey都親口改過的,或者他正在告訴我們,這就是Mickey Rourke的一生了,可以嗎?


"Then you've seen me, I come and stand at every door   
Then you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had before   
Then you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood,it hits the floor   
Tell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?   
Tell me can you ask for anything more? "

"I remember looking at myself in the mirror and thinking - look at what happened to you. I had blown everything, you know? I lost my credibility, my marriage, my money, my soul. I said to myself, you've got to change. And I realised that the acting was the only thing I had left." by Mickey Rourke.

Mickey, you are the best! I am waiting for your Sin City 2,come on, rock my world!
