2008年10月3日 星期五

推介 - 電視劇 "Nip Tuck" 在道德尺度界線上跳舞

我剛剛迷上外國劇的時候,就正正是Sex and The City的年代。除此之外,那時更教我迷戀不已的是Six Feet Under,曾幾何時我半夜在HBO看到抱頭痛哭。兩者永遠都是我的favourite,可惜已經可一不可再。

幸好兩者以外,我仍可熱切期待的就是 - Nip Tuck,連續做了好幾個年頭做到第五季,等到頸斷終於見到疑似Season 6 Trailer(見下)。


甚麼亂倫雜交SM忘年戀Table Dance吸毒,只不過是基本元素

對,它的道德標準就是無標準可從可言,而所謂"無標準"亦意味沒界線: 沒有尺度地放縱,有幾盡就去幾盡。


"Tell me what you don't like about yourself? "

對,每一集它都肆無忌憚地展示人性的陰暗面,要幾黑暗有幾黑暗 ;

"Death is just the ultimate orgasm of life ."

"You want the wisdom to know the difference between what you can and can't change?
Here's step 13: Everything disappears. Love, trees, rocks, steel, plastic, human beings. None of us get out alive. Now you can huddle in a group and face it one day at a time, or you can be grateful that when your body rubs against somebody else's it explodes with enough pleasure to make you forget even for a minute that you're a walking pile of ashes. Now that is the truth. If you're strong it'll make you free, if you're weak, it'll make you... you. "


"I don't want to be pretty. I want to be better. I want to be perfect."

Season 6 Trailer
